Beta Run

Post date: Jan 22, 2017 6:23:48 PM

Originally Posted APR 25, 2016

So, tonight, kind of on a whim, I decided to make a new machinima!

I got Beta access this past weekend to Mirror’s Edge Catalyst and have really enjoyed playing the game.

You can read my feedback of the game on the official forums.

I was and still am planning to make a machinima when the game comes out, but decided tonight to make one of it during beta too!

I wasn’t initially planning on making a machinima during beta, since there is a few bugs still in the game and the beta watermark is jumping across the screen, but I really enjoyed the game and 7 years ago (can’t believe it has been that long) I made a machinima for the first Mirror’s Edge game.

Hope everyone enjoy it!


The awesome main song that I used is called Run by Ross Bugden.

Be sure to check out his channel here:

Also, you can find this song here:

I also used two cinematics that can be seen in the game as the intro and outro for this video.

Big thanks to DICE and EA in making another Mirror’s Edge game!

Final Stage

Post date: Jan 22, 2017 6:19:13 PM

Originally posted APR 09, 2016

Greetings all!

So I have been decorating the theater for a while now and I am happy to say that it is finished in my opinion.

There is still items that I will add here and there, maybe move a few things around, but it can be fully used for the machinima we want to film there!

Big thanks to Laerwynn for helping me and everyone that gave feedback!

Since the time of my last blog post, I have also learned a bit of Blender, and made some items for the theater. It is just some basic items, but I have learned a lot about modelling, modifiers, working with textures in Blender and baking textures.

The items I have made is the green screen, the sheet that is going to be used as a projector screen, and also a basic spotlight.

Feel free to visit the theater in Second Life and below is some pictures I took with it all decorated!

More news to follow soon about the machinima!

Project Stage

Post date: Jan 22, 2017 6:12:41 PM

Originally posted MAR 23, 2016

Greetings all!

So it has been a while since my first post. The website has changed a little and I am still tinkering now and then on it, but for now I am happy with it.

What this post is rather about is the new project I am working on in Second Life, known as Project Stage.

The project consist out of two stages, with the first stage to create a new venue for Taernoc Productions and other events we want to host, with the second stage being a new machinima.

I have decided to have the venue being a small, old, live theater that gives the overall feel that it has been abandoned for some time and a bunch of film makers have made it their home, with equipment and clutter everywhere. The stage will mostly be open, with some areas on the main floor for dancing and hanging out.

The machinima will be one crazy video with a bunch of editing made to flow with a song. The filming will feel all over the place, but I am hoping that in the end, it will make for a fun video. More details will be released over the next few weeks.

So, where is it currently at?

Well the main building has been build, placed in its home and about 50% decorated…. so actually not that far from being completely done.

As soon as that is completed, pre-production will start for the new machinima.

For anyone interested in seeing the new location, it is open, but half decorated, so feel free to drop by and let me know what you think!

You can find it here in Second Life:

Also, pictures! As I was building the venue, I took a bunch of pictures. Here is a few!

Super Adventure

Post date: Jan 22, 2017 6:25:27 PM

Originally Posted MAY 19, 2016

Greetings all!

Back at the start of April this year, Guild Wars 2 had an event they call Super Adventure Box, which is basically a retro game within Guild Wars 2.

Last year? Or the year before that? I really wanted to make a video with the event, but never noticed that it was a timed event and before I got chance to do it, it was closed. So when it opened this year, I jumped in, and with a few friends, filmed some fun moments.

After editing it for a while when I got chance, I finally made something I think people will find fun.

Hope you all like it!

Weekend Gaming Videos

Post date: Jan 22, 2017 6:27:46 PM

Originally Posted JUN 19, 2016

Greetings all!

So I finally got around to editing some gaming footage together of some moments in GTA 5 with me, Laerwynn, TankmanKels and XaviOrin which resulted in me posting two new videos over the weekend!

In GTA 5 there is a game mode called Sumo, where you are in a car and on top of a building or island with the goal being to hit the opponent off the edge.

This result in a lot of fun and random moments, making it our favorite game mode to play on GTA 5.

The video below is some of those fun moments.

This second video is some crazy random moments we had that I decided to throw together.

We had some good laughs and this show some of the random stuff we get up to.